Wednesday, August 5, 2015


 Yesterday I played Minecraft and I made a railroad except that there are no trains just minecarts. The railroad is great espeicially the hidden drop where you go and fall into a pit that goes right through the world. I've also made six rooms in my house, in the hallway. One for wood one for stone one for iron one for gold one for diamond and one for obsidian. Every thing in these rooms is necessary in survival. Wood for a wooden pickaxe and sticks, stone for a stone pickaxe, iron for a iron pickaxe and a iron sword, gold for a gold pickaxe and a gold sword, diamond for a diamond sword, pickaxe, axe and hoe and diamond armor. 

 Yesterday I also built a pen which contained cows inside the research station. I aslo dropped creepers through the world and dyed sheep and killed sheep. I love minecraft so much and I'm supposed to I mean I hope I'm getting the update. In the update I'll be able to get squids and giant spiders by spawning them in creative. In the update I'll be able to have diamond tools in creative ( right now I'm stuck with iron in creative ). I'll also have a boat ( I do not have a boat right now ) which will help me (and my dad ) get to the research station. I can not wait to play Minecraft with the update. Would you be able to wait?

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