Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Favourite Game App

This is a shot from the Skylanders Battlegrounds iPad app. It is a battle. The guy with the blindfold and the bow and flaming arrows is Flameslinger. The guy that looks like a mushroom with arms, legs, one eye, a mouth, claws and a slingshot is Shroomboom. 
You move your Skylander around by putting your finger on the hexagon where your Skylander is stationed and move it to another hexagon but you can not move onto or through hexagons with rocks on them. The quickest way to get gems to buy new Skylanders is to finish levels. There are four sets of levels. Each of the levels have bad guys you need to battle. Each of the bad guys is controlled by a different super hard guy. Their names are Arbour Eater, Mega Chompolin, Chompy Mage and King Brock. When you battle you do not need to tap the boxes at the bottom of the screen ,those are super powers, your Skylander will do a normal attack by its self.  In a battle you move the same way as described above.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sports this year, 2014

I joined cross country running this year. During Cross Country I waited and waited and waited for the other teams to finish. The teams that were in front of me were k1 and k3 on the shorter track I was on team k2 and I was on the longer track with k4. My track was simple I had to go straight, right, straight, right, straight, over a bridge, left on an angle, over a very large hill, right on an angle, right, left on an angle and straight going the same way as the very first straight to the finish. I started last but by the third straight I had passed some people who thought they could get away with sprinting right from the start. I wasn't able to pass anyone on the bridge because it was so small. A lot of people slowed down to a walk going up the hill and I am proud not to be able to count myself amongst them so I passed some more people at the end I came 41st.

I played soccer this year I didn't play soccer last year because I did not want to. These are the teams I played  this year in order: Heroes', Farnem, Heroes', Heroes', Parkview, Parkview, Parkview and Knowlton Academy. I thought Knowlton was the hardest. I didn't get to play as much as I wanted. I stayed off for one whole game.

This was me running a relay at the track and field meet last June